I listened to the sound of the wind
What news do you bring
From far away from the world
What is your story about
About what is the gentle breeze
I touched the soft grass
Lying on it I listened
Grass whispers quietly
Spins its stories
And the soul tells
I heard the singing of the bird
Joyful daily trills
About what do you sing winged
What is your ballad about
What do you want to convey to the world
I looked at the depth of water
Quiet murmur I heard
Soothing and gentle
Other story flows
Other verses are sung
And I saw a child
Running on the grass
Holding a ball in his hands
Babbled innocently
And spoke to the bird
And the bird answered
Warm wind joined
Water also murmured
Grass also whispered
Laughter of the child I heard
Silence around talks
Silence around sings
Silence around smells
Stories tells
Just listen to it
©KatarzynaNK (Cathetrine)
May, 2020
Silence - soul poetry
poem from the volume
'I want...' A Story of Certain Love Written in Poems
author: Katarzyna Nowocin-Kowalczyk
translation: Elizabeth Kanski
paintings: Marek Szczęsny
'Chcę…’ Historia Pewnej Miłości Wierszami Spisana
👉 The book is available on Amazon in hardcover and softcover;
in a version with color or black-and-white photos;
in Polish and English
Silence; read in Polish by the author
I love it 💕
So beautiful written. Thank you Catherine for this poem.
beautiful poetry