January 13th, 2020
author: Katarzyna Nowocin-Kowalczyk (Catherine)
Time - impressions about life with the cultural expert's eye
Text from the book: TIME OF CHANGES
The more you are in a hurry, the less time you have. Fewer memories. Fewer good times. Fewer friends. Less love.
Where are you in such a hurry to?... To old age?... Do you really want to spend your time on this planet running and racing against the clock?... Do you really believe that you can outrun time? When you run, you lose what is important...you're wasting your time...and you lose your happiness Now. Worrying is a waste of time and energy. By putting something off for later, for 'someday'—you are losing your time and giving up your happiness and dreams, Now.
Why do you waste your time on toxic people who take away your energy, dreams, thoughts, peace and your time? Why do you waste your time on bad thoughts, unimportant things, television, arguments, worrying unnecessarily, focusing on things you can't control, living other people's lives, making your life dependent on other people's opinions, dwelling on the past or an illusory future? When you do this, you are everywhere except one place. You are not in your own life. You are not Here and Now.
Seize your moments, because life is made of moments. Collect only the good images from your life. Leave what doesn't serve you. Let go of people who are dragging you down. It's not worth keeping. Make space for the New...for what is Good for you. It will come when you make room for it.
You only have one life to live in this life. What do you do with it? What do you live for? The best thing you can give yourself is your own time. To meet with yourself. The best thing you can give to another person is to give them your own time.
Life is only a few minutes on this earth. Don't put your life off for sometime. Be Here and Now. Because it is only Here and Now that your life takes place. Don't make your life dependent on the opinions of others. They won't live your life for you. And only you know what's best for you. All the answers are within you.
Listen to your heart. Don't be afraid to speak your Truth. Maybe there is someone who is waiting for this Truth of yours. For your courage to speak your heartfelt Truth.
Don't put off your dreams until tomorrow. Start fulfilling them today. Don't put off happiness for sometime. Be happy today. Give up worrying. Everything is already solved. Stop being afraid. Live. Learn mindfulness and being Here and Now. Signs are everywhere. The Creator speaks to you in different ways.
Stop. You can't outrun time. Because there is no time. Time is only in your head. And who manages your time? – You...Only you...and it's up to you to decide how you use it and what you do with your own life. You'll waste it in pursuit of delusion, or you'll stop and you'll be happy at last.
Goodness and happiness are choices. Only in Silence will you hear yourself. Only in Silence will you find what you have lost. Only in Silence will you find yourself.
©KatarzynaNK (Catherine)
Time text from the book:
Let's talk about Love, Fear, Freedom and Time
author: Katarzyna Nowocin-Kowalczyk
translation: Elizabeth Kanski
👉 This book is available in Polish and English
Very wise text.
Thank you, Catherine for this text. 💕
Life is just a few moments. Beautiful text, Catherine. I have your book Time of Changes and recommend it to everybody. Great book.
Well-written text and very accurate observations.