You asked about the Road
I pointed to it
You chose another
Why are you blaming me now?
You asked what the Road is
“Love,” I answered
You chose control
Why are you crying now?
You asked what Love is
Love is Love
It loves and does not judge
Trusts and Accepts
You asked “How do I Love”
“Start with yourself,” I answered
You looked surprised
And still you are surprised
You asked “Where are you going”
“Into my life
“My ship is leaving”
”Stay”, you asked
©Katarzyna Nowocin-Kowalczyk
February 17th, 2020
Road - Love poetry
poem from the volume I WANT...
A Story of Certain Love Written in Poems
author: Katarzyna Nowocin-Kowalczyk
translation: Elizabeth Kanski
paintings: Marek Szczęsny
'Chcę…’ Historia Pewnej Miłości Wierszami Spisana
👉 The book is available on Amazon in hardcover and softcover;
in a version with color or black-and-white photos;
in Polish and English
Road: read in Polish by the author
Beautiful words
So beautiful poem
beautiful ❤️