March 3rd, 2024
author: Katarzyna Nowocin-Kowalczyk (Catherine)
Controllers, Followers and Intelligent Idiots - impressions about life with the cultural expert's eye
text from the book: TIME OF CHANGES
Sigmund Freud once said that Most people don't really want freedom, because freedom comes with responsibility, and most people fear responsibility.
And we, observing the so-called reality that surrounds us, we can add that the one who is most afraid of responsibility is the one who blindly believes in a politician and his party. A believer. For him, a politician is the Savior of the world, the country, and of life. He willingly submits to the dominion of the Lord to whom so many bow, and fights wars and kills in his name, for his name, and with his name on his lips. The believer forgets about his own identity, sovereignty, independence, individuality. He forgets about freedom, although he talks a lot about it. However, he does not know much about it, although it seems to him otherwise. And he really believes that he is the free one. That he was the chosen one...that he was smarter, brighter, more intelligent and more aware than the rest of the herd.
The believer hears only what he wants to hear. He only sees what he wants to see. He hears the voice of the Big Brother, who through the mouth of his political puppet, created as the Savior, says: "We are here and there is an enemy. Be obedient, and we will take care of you. We know better than you what you need and what is good for you.
Big Brother also says: You are our property. We tell you what you think, say, do. And we don't correct you when you believe that it is you who thinks so. We decide what you eat, what you suffer from, what you read, what you listen to, what you watch, who you like, and who you consider your enemy. All media belong to us, although you prefer not to know about it. We are the masters of your mind and your life. We are the Controllers. But that, the Believer does not want to hear. And even if he hears, he believes it doesn't concern him. Because he is free and can think independently. He obediently sits in front of the TV or computer screen, turns on the political theater and reaches for chips from...worms.
He likes them. Because that's what Big Brother said. And believes in it and calls it the progress of civilization. And he does not see the connection between maggoty food, maggoty thoughts and the life of a worm, proudly called the life of a man. Big Brother also took away science and distorted it. But the ignorant Believer, who after all believes that he is very savant, listens to the guidelines of his politician and does not ask questions. Because why ask? Chief, lead us, says the Believer. "Let's kill everyone who thinks differently. Says otherwise. Everyone who has a different opinion. Different tastes. Different color. Other clothing. All those who do not want to subordinate to Big Brother. Those who don't want forced injections and ‘happiness’ pills, don't want worms, don't want war, don't want control. They don't want a muzzle and a leash. Let's destroy diversity. Let's destroy tradition. Let's turn girls into boys and boys into girls and call them 'it.' Let's change history. Let's destroy art. Let's take away the books. Let’s use science against man. Let's destroy man. Let's destroy humanity. Let's turn off the music. Let's turn off Nature. Let's turn off the world."
No...This is not utopia. It's happening. Here and Now. It has been happening for centuries. People still participate in the same Shakespearean theater and have been repeating the same performance for thousands of years, albeit in different versions. But about the same thing. About power, money, mind control and slaves.
There are many believers on both sides of the political circus. A world divided. Every political puppet has its believers. Puppets say practically the same thing, do the same thing, steal the same thing, lie the same way, suck up the same way and create the same problems, claiming that they are just solving them.
Political performers are selected by the Controllers. But they themselves do not necessarily want to be visible. That's why they have performers. Because performers love to be on stage. They love the spotlight and love to act. They love to feel important. Some call it the need for self-esteem, others greed, and still others call it the small penis syndrome.
It is the Controllers who manage the chessboards. They put all these political pawns on various chairs, calling them chairmen, ministers, prime ministers, presidents, all sorts of bosses and putting words in their mouths. The text of the performance, in accordance with the interests of the Controllers, who pull the strings of their puppets and control all sides of this political circus. They control the two sides of the conflict and create events that are games for the masses. Using newspeak, they create reverse narrative. An alternative reality. Alice's world through a distorted mirror. They divide people into better and worse. They set one against another. They play with people, giving them the illusion of freedom. The controllers create a theatre for those who are afraid to leave the Pen. They are afraid of responsibility. And living in the Pen, they call it freedom.
Controllers are a party that only does what is good for...the party. But the Controllers need Believers, because without Believers, there are no Controllers.
And Believers trust all this nonsense and, sitting in front of computer screens, are at each other's throats, waging virtual wars with a virtual enemy for the virtual truth. And these wars manifest themselves in the so-called real world. The division lasts and continues to deepen. A whole bunch of Intelligent Idiots calling for war and believing that they know everything better and best, that they have a patent for Truth and their Truth is the truest one.
Mind control has been going on for centuries, but the Intelligent Idiot is a product of our times. A product of Big Brother and Controllers. A product of television and the so-called social media. There used to be books and knowledge of the so-called elders. Now it is controlled by controllers, Mr Google.
And the wise man sits somewhere on the sidelines, observes the world of omniscient idiots calling themselves intelligent, nods his head and thoughtfully says: "I know that I know nothing."
© Katarzyna NK (CatherineNK)
Controllers, Followers, and Intelligent Idiots
text from the book:
Let's talk about Love, Fear, Freedom and Time
author: Katarzyna Nowocin-Kowalczyk
translation: Elizabeth Kanski
👉 This book is available in Polish and English
Controllers, Followers, and Intelligent Idiots // read in Polish by the author
brutally true
A very accurate observation. Good text.
so accurate