I'm looking at an old photo
A three-year-old little blonde girl
Serious, focused
In the next frame, an eight-year-old girl
Pink dress, blonde hair
Staring somewhere into the distance
As if into another world
Another black-and-white portrait of a child
This girl is fourteen years old
Courage is in the eyes
Tomorrow, adulthood
Time travel and a journey through time
This girl is a traveler
I met her once
I knew her once
But that was at a different time
And as if on another planet
As if in another life
It was a different dream
I'm looking at old photos
And I see a girl on a journey
A long time ago today
I know her, even though I don't know her
I used to be that girl
Today it's just a photograph
But there is the girl
And the journey continues
©KatarzynaNK (Catherine)
June 1st, 2024
Old Photos - soul poetry
a poem from the book of poems I AM
author: Katarzyna Nowocin-Kowalczyk
translation: Elizabeth Kanski
originally in Polish: Stare Fotografie
👉 The book is available on Amazon;
in a version with color or black-and-white photos;
in Polish and English
Old Photos // read in Polish by the author
my story
Beautiful poem. My story.
beautiful poem