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MAN FROM THE COMPUTER - Impressions on Life and Transience

Writer's picture: Katarzyna Nowocin-KowalczykKatarzyna Nowocin-Kowalczyk

Updated: Dec 12, 2024

August 7th, 2024

author:Katarzyna Nowocin-Kowalczyk

story from the book: PASSERSBY


Man from the Computer - impressions about life and transience - Katarzyna Nowocin-Kowalczyk

There was a Man in the Computer. Somewhere on the other side of the computer. We were connected by a cloud and a laptop screen. From a certain perspective, we call it energy or the Internet of the Universe. A hologram of the mirrors of the Creator's mind.

The Man appeared suddenly. He appeared when I lost my way in the dark forest of depression. When I needed support and a kind word, although I didn’t know how to ask for it. He volunteered himself. His comments under my Facebook posts were short, but so joyful and uplifting. He enveloped me in the warmth of his words and gave me strength. The Man from the Computer made me feel more confident as a poet. He raved about my poems and shared these poems, although few people looked at his profile. And it’s a pity, because apart from my poems, the Man shared the joy of love and shared the joy of love with the world. But maybe the world doesn't want the joy of love, but a reason to complain. Because the complaining posts get the most traffic. And under posts about joy, there is little joy and even less gratitude.

It happened that I would wake up in the morning with strange, heavy thoughts. I would look into the computer, and there was a message from the Man who sent me virtual flowers and wishes for a Good Day, a beautiful song or a maxim, adequate to the given situation I happened to be in. Or rather, I felt it, because after all everything is in our heads. And here was this maxim from the Man from the Computer that changed my perspective of seeing, reminded me who I was and why I was here. The problem was no longer a problem. The maxim from the Man from the Computer was an answer, a hint, a hint and a solution. It made me smile.

This situation lasted several years. We had never met in the so-called real world. We had never talked in the so-called real world. Not virtually, either—except for the aforementioned situations. But I always had this feeling that the Man from the Computer, like a good Angel, was somewhere on the other side of the computer. And he was watching over me. He was by my side. And I will always get a flower, a smile, beautiful music and a kind word from him.

And it once happened that the Man from the Computer left for some time. We were divided by Politics, or rather the way of perceiving Politics. The Man was attached to a particular formation, I don't support any. I am an observer. However, after some time, flowers, songs, maxims and smiles began to appear in my Messenger inbox again. The Man came back. There were never any references to Politics between us after that. After all, Politics is the Queen of Divisions.

Exactly seven days ago, I received a message from the Man from the Computer "Beautiful Greetings. I wish you a lovely Thursday. Good morning." I smiled and sent a smile. In response, he sent a beautiful song by Jacek Lech "Twenty years or maybe less..." One of my Dad’s favorite songs, who has been on the other side for 12 years, in the world beyond the horizon. But every time I hear this song, I think of him. I think warmly. He was also my Earthly Angel, although I didn't always understand it. And it also happened once that we drifted away from each other at a certain stage of this earthly journey. We were separated by fear of love, pride and convictions. But after a while, Love and Wisdom won. Because the wisdom of love always wins. And I think that, regardless of the earthly calendar, each of us, somewhere in our hearts, still has our twenty years or maybe less.

And this morning, instead of flowers, there was information that the Man from the Computer had gone to the world beyond the horizon. The information was shared publicly on FB by his daughter. And it was the first message that the computer showed. A message from the Man from the Computer, but in a different way. A message from another world to this world. And it got sad. Tears ran down my cheeks. Although I didn't even know this Man. And perhaps I wouldn't have recognized him if I passed him on the street. But I did. Because energy will always recognize energy. Thought will always attract thought. Simply put, the heart always knows.

We are travelers in time and space, although time and space are an illusion of the mind. The mirror in which we look at ourselves every day shows us this journey on the earthly plane and reminds us that our Time on this planet is limited. It is worth using this Time wisely. It is worth saying good words and it is worth passing on the joy of love. It is worth being a Sower of Love.

The Man from the Computer will always be in my heart. And although I did not know Him on the plane of matter, I feel His presence. I can feel His warmth. Because that's what He gave me. Although He never said it directly, everything He said and did was information that my Dad used to give me, although at the time, I didn't necessarily understand it. The Man from the Computer reminded me of this. The message is "Trust yourself, girl. You are unique. Each of us is unique, but sometimes we forget about it.”

Now the Man has passed away. He has crossed over to the other side. He left his earthly sick body (or maybe he finally freed himself from it) and returned to the world of Angels. He returned Home. He returned to the world from which he came. And perhaps a part of the earthly world did not even notice his presence, but for me the Man from the Computer is someone important who left his mark in my life.

There is a Man in the Computer. Although the earthly computer has its limitations, the Internet of the Universe works. And although the Man from the Computer is in another world, we are still connected by the cloud and the computer screen. Because the computer of the Universe is energy, a screen, and a mirror. It is a thought in the mind of the Creator. And this thought creates. Therefore, when I think of the Man from the Computer, He is with me. An angel who was and is a Messenger (mailman), information and a mailbox for messages from me for me. From my higher Self to my Self here. A messenger reminding me of what I had forgotten—who I Am and what is important.

Thank you, Mr. Rafał, for wanting to be a part of my earthly journey. Thank you for being here.

In Memory of Rafał

© Katarzyna Nowocin-Kowalczyk

translation: Elizabeth Kanski

originally in Polish: CZOWIEK Z KOMPUTERA


Man from the Computer // read in Polish by the author

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